Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Counting Down

I am heading overseas for an extended employment opportunity! I can't wait, this has been in the works for few months, and in my heart for over a year! My departure date is less than 60 days away! It seems simultaneously too much and not enough time!

The Word of God says "Hope deferred makes the heart sick". I believe that God built into us a need and a desire to have something to look forward to, and yet as soon as there is a firm date... time seems to drag!

I have been counting down in one way or another for over a year- I have been counting down the pounds left to lose to hit my goal, I have been counting down the number of weeks left in my income, the number of dollars in my bank account! I suppose we all have to take stock of where we stand in our lives as it helps us mark our progress or assures us of our success.

What are you counting down to?

1 comment:

Susie said...

My husband's job will be relocating us from San Diego to Ohio this summer, and honestly, I'm getting more emotional about the whole thing. So, I guess that's what I'm counting down to, the big cross country move in two months! Luckily, I have the Lord to give me peace and hold my fragile little heart....
Love you blog!