Sunday, April 08, 2007

Where are the Heroes?

I had the great privilege recently to spend some time with a member of our armed forces who is actively training for deployment to Afghanistan. A couple of months ago, another friend had to say goodbye to her new husband as he was sent over as well.

I had a realization this weekend about the different perspective that we in this country have versus the US. The US is a country AT WAR. We are a country who has troops in the "Theatre of War". Where does the difference come from? Why are we here in Canada so set on denying that, as distasteful as it may be to have to send our friends, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, daughters and sons into battle, we are a country at war?

Have we changed so much in 90 years? Tomorrow is the Memorial for the Vimy Ridge. From France to Holland and now Afghanistan, when a difficult manouver was needed to change the course of battle, they have called in the Canadians. We are known as nation of well-trained, consistent soldiers.

This is something that we need to be proud of. The rest of the world knows it, but in Typical Canadian Style we deny, and argue away our achievements under the guise of political correctness. These are the heroes of our culture, not the airbrushed, over photographed celebrities and athletes we so often elevate.

Whether you agree with the the government's policies or not, we are all in this together. Many of us have some sort of tie to the armed forces, whether is was a grand-parent in a conflict long past, or know of someone who actively serves. They deserve our support, thanks and mostly our Prayers.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Oh Laura I know that the people who fight in wars need our respect and support. I do not think I could do such a job so I am thankful that there are people who can do that type of work.

But I must say that war breaks my heart. The thought of people killing each other over their differences just hurts so much. We really are in a fallen world. When Christ's Kingdom reigns for all eternity there will no longer be any killing I just know it.