Have you ever seen those boutiques in major cities that have "By apointment only" signs out the front? They often are tucked in a back corner that you kind of stumble upon by accident. To look in the windows would reveal a tiny space with about 4 items for sale, and one stunning salesperson who does a great job of ignoring the entire world that exists beyond the front window. It is easy to wonder how a store with a bad location, no inventory and snooty sales staff could ever stay in business, much less turn a profit.
The key to these businesses is the exclusive clientele, those of discerning taste who are happy to pay a lot of money for the latest creation from the designer who rents that storefront. There is no need to advertize, no need to welcome the public, mainly because not everyone is welcome. There is an aura of mystery because of the exclusivity.
I recently had a conversation with a married woman regarding the state of singles at our church. We as single women have often bemoaned the lack of single from which to choose; the woman I was speaking to used the word 'stagnant'.
In other moments when asked what I am praying for in a man, I have some pretty specific requests that I have laid before the Lord. Often the response from others is that I am limiting the population of men and their thought is that this is a bad idea. I realized some time ago that it didn't actually matter to God's ultimate plan how many men I 'excluded' because all I really need is one. One man whom God knows already will be the best person for me.
I don't need a whole "Wal-Mart" of choices, where all are welcome and the choices have been picked over, tossed on the floor, mislabeled. Not only is that time-consuming it is also confusing, how do you know that somewhere in the next aisle there isn't a better deal or person. You could spend your life looking back at the options and wondering.. did I make the best choice.
Rather, I know this really great designer, only does family, by appointment only. When you go in He spends as much time as you need, he lets you talk about what you want and what you don't want, debate colours and fabrics. He cannot be cajoled or manipulated or demanded of, you can try but there will be no revealing of His masterpiece until the appointed time.
I have tried to convince Him that this particular time or event or situation could be a great time for His masterwork, but He asks for patience and trust. I have spoken to others who have gone to Him and they say that as frustrating as it is, what He is creating cannot be rushed and once it is seen, will always be above and beyond expecation and imagination.
There are others who have rushed Him and begged, and harrassed to the point where He gives in and gives them what they asked for even though it wasn't His exact design. In those cases, the fit is never quite right, the fabric not exactly what would have been best, and often the recipient has questioned the designer's talent and ability, He just says, "I gave you exactly what you wanted, even though I knew it wouldn't be perfect for you." Sometimes they negotiate a return or a second try, and often the result is stunning, but there is always the memory of the first.
The Bible says to pray specifically for all things. I don't suppose that this is any different. In fact, I find that the more specific I am when praying for anything, the more clearly I see when a prayer gets answered because it fits all the criteria that had been prayerfully crafted.
Take heart ladies, there is a beautiful and exclusive creation being formed just for you, and will exceed all that you could ever ask or even imagine. A one-of-a-kind.