Sunday, September 11, 2011

Counting .....

There is so much about our world that is focussed on counting... we count the minutes, the successes and the money. We count anniversaries and we countdown to big events.

Today as we mark the 10th anniversary I sat surrounded by Military personnel and we were encouraged to count. We were encouraged to thnk of the people connected to us directly who were impacted by the events on 9/11. It took me a moment to think... no one I know was killed or injured or involved nor their families that I know of.. so I thought that I didn't have anyone... and I realized that everyone I was in church with this am was profoundly impacted by the events of that day.

And so I began to count....

16 Students who were in my class that day and will be forever part of MY 9/11 story, I am proud of the adults that they are becoming in this strange world that we live in.

2 friends dead- combat injuries

1 friend paralyzed from the neck down - combat injuries

21 Coffins that I have stood while they begin their journey home. Although I never met any of them, I have become a part of thier history... granted a tiny afterthought, but I am one more person who will carry the memory of thier lives with me for the rest of mine.

But then the faces of others who I have had the privilege to know over the time who have seen things that no one should ever see, and those who have watched thier friends go home in a coffin. I have known those who have to literally pick up the pieces after an event.

And so what is the cost?

the events of 9/11 have created a new world for all of us. Ironically those we remember today are the only ones who will never remember this post-9/11 world we live in.

My Bible says that EVERYTHING the enemy intends for evil, God has the opportunity to redeem. While I am remembering the losses, I am also remembering the positives... the people from all over the world, the new friends, and the deeper faith that our world has delivered to my doorstep as a direct result of what happened on 9/11.

Today, people all over the world will be counting, mothers from all nations will be counting empty places at tables, brothers are injured, sisters are changed for life.

What price have you paid?

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