Sunday, September 18, 2011


I have an announcement to make......

I'm alllll done.....

If you are addicted to your crackberry/iPhone/whaatever other gadget you use for EVERYTHING in your life...... I am NO longer going to feel badly for sending you an email that MIGHT wake you up because you haven't disconnected your work email from your personal phone.

I am NO LONGER going to sympathize with the natural consequences if you don't set good boundaries and can't say no so are over tired....

Please don't cry on my shoulder if you cannot balance your work and life so that you can leave your desk for lunch and then are hungry in the middle of the afternoon... I won't leave MY work to go and get you an energy drink that is not going to help you.

For all you work-a-holics who complain about having no social life... FRANKLY.. YOU AREN'T SOOOO important that it cannot wait until tomorrow....

I am not sure what is happening to our society when we wear lack of sleep, or skipped meals as a badge of honour or commitment to the cause...

So, I am going to interact with technology the way it was meant to be interacted with- ON MY TERMS. I will not apologize for turning off my cell phone for one hour on my DAY OFF to go to church. I will NOT feel badly that I was at lunch when your lack of planning resulted in fake drama.

If that doesn't fit your idea of what should be.... im sorr.... no wait... acutally I'm not!

If you have any concerns about the above....... send me an email... I'll get back to you tomorrow.

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