Thursday, August 25, 2011

Conspiracy Theories

I am a conspiracy theorist. But not just your run of the mill tinfoil-wearing someone's watching me paranoid crazy! I am beyond a theorist... because a thoeory has yet to be proven.

Most people like me have a particular 'pet' subject they purport- either we didn't actually land on the moon, or the matrix IS real..... I don't care a lot about those other "theories". My conspiracy of choice is the belief that God is Conspiring to bring about HIS glory in the world, and HIS destiny in our lives!

Call me crazy, but I have PROOF! First of all the Bible says so... and just like the sunday school song implies... when the Bible says so, it must be true! But beyond that... I have first hand accounts of moments in time when God seems to reach through the cosmos, and puts something in my path time and again until I realize that it is a subject I need to pay attention to.

Recently it has been what it means to have good character. Everywhere I turn there are moments that challenge my desire to live a life of character. And then many times throughout the day there are reminders that the standard is high. Everything from shows on TV, or themes of movies, to just now a favourite quote buried in a long string of emails that I JUST HAPPEN to recieve on something completely unrelated.

And so it seems like every conspiracy theorist out there... I choose to attach deeper meanings to mundane things. Except when it comes to God we KNOW that He never does anything without deeper meaning. Every step of His life was miraculous just on the surface, and then when you plumb the deepest depths of understanding you realize that every thing right down to His name, His place of birth and the response of people to His death holds layers and layers of moving and remarkable meaning. Since God is the same, yesterday, today and forever, I choose to believe that every moment of the day can be steeped in the miraculous move of God.

Is it a coincidence that, when staying in a new city for a month, just when I was getting desperate for company, I decided to opo unexpectedly into a store and as I did, a friend from home "happened" to be there? I doubt it.

What keeps popping up in your life like a strange obsession? What do you feel bombarded by? take a good look at the themes that recur... it could be a key to what God is doing in you and through you.

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