Monday, August 22, 2011

Rejected? Not- Chosen? with a side of Stop Helping Me!

Have you ever seen 2 year old stumble and fall? There is always that split second of shock followed EVERYTIME by a glance at the parental unit closest to gauge their response. As an adult in their lives, they look to us to decide whether to be upset or not. IF we respond with treipdation or angst..... the floodgates open, BUT... if you look with surprise that matches theirs and make light, they will get up and go about their way. Keep that picture in your mind and walk with me on a journey.

Tonight I went to a prayer meeting I had never attended before. We began to lift up the leaders of our nations, the soldiers who fight for those nations and who are in battle. We lifted up our families and those who we are praying for. Then we moved onto the next topic. The lady leading the prayer meeting began a heartfelt prayer intercession for "THE SINGLES" She began.... "Lord, we pray for the singles, we pray that you would heal their hurts and rejections." She continued in a very sincere and heartfelt manner. (As an aside: Know that if you are single and not sure if anyone cares... there are genuinely people who care and who want you to fulfill your destiny in God, and who earnestly lift up to God your desire to be married).

After a time, she moved on to the next group of afflicted personnel requiring our prayers... the prisoners!

I began to wonder..... why does the church continue to approach singleness as a dread affliction that we need to be redeemed from all the while telling us to enjoy the season that we are in?

I am not of the mind that people can make you feel a certain way, however, is it possible that the words the church uses and the approach that often is taken contributes to this idea in our heads that we are more hurt, more rejected, and more pathetic than we already feel just because we are single?

Like that child who, in a moment of uncertainty after a stumble, isn't sure whether this is a bump, or something more.... we look around and reflect the reactions that we see around us. If people didn't speak of my singleness with pity, would I feel quite so pitiful? If those I love, didn't try to "encourage" me so much would I feel so discouraged? And if those around didn't try to HELP so much..... might I just feel a little more like there was nothing really wrong with me??


Just because no one has CHOSEN me to be thier spouse, does that mean I have been REJECTED? Are those the corrollery of one another?? I think not. They are not equal opposites. I am waiting to be chosen. Some have chosen others instead of me... but all have NOT rejected me.

Thank you kind lady for your heartfelt prayers tonight. I understand your heart cry. I appreciate the care. And yet...... you can stop building the ladder to help me out of the pit that I haven't fallen into just yet.

Please.... stop HELPING ME!!!

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