Tuesday, April 08, 2008

One More Opportunity

This week is the end of the waiting! I have been waiting for a new opportunity for about a year. There is a chance to do something life-changing and it is imminent. I have been invited to the 2 week training to prepare for it, and then after that I will know for sure if I got the job. I am excited BEYOND all reason. This has been all that is on my radar for about a year.

The type of opportunity this is carries with it some danger, and it is the type of thing that one doesn't go into lightly, I am fully surrendered to the thought that if it is not of God- I DON'T want to go. But everything within knows that if God is there with me, all will be OK.

As the time is drawing closer and my excitement level increases, as does a nagging feeling in the back of my head. I keep recalling all the amazing jobs that I wanted, but didn't get, all the heartache of men who didn't return my affection. While it is easy in the saner moments to KNOW that God had His hand in each of those situations, my human heart is nervous that God will deny me this chance as well.

Its that old lie of "if you want it too much, God will take it away".

I am having to fight the lies of the enemy that would say, God will never come through for you, or that would tell me that I cannot accomplish or do what is needed in this time.

There seems to be a level of holiness attached to circumstances that you are dragged into; Moses protested because of His stutter, Saul had to be physically stopped on the roadside. The idea of doing something for God that you don't want to do carries a legitimacy which ambition seems to negate. I recall though, in Nehemiah, God blessed him with a burden to rebuild the walls, and he went to his employer and asked for a leave of absence and it was granted.

We hear story after story of people dragged kicking and screaming into the service of God in an area that they never wanted to go, but what about the happy helpers? What about those who have battled internally? Who have fought their insecurities and what others expect of them in order to take a step of faith far beyond their comfort zone and come to a place of passionate willingness?

God knows the end from the beginning. HE will be my sustainer, I am a willing participant in the plans of God for my life. Now to deal with this pride.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If your faith is at least as small as a mustard seed ... You know you're in! Start thanking Him now you'll be too busy packing later. :)