Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Call to Prayer

Every once in a while God chooses to tie up loose ends. About this time last year, I began to experience something very strange. I started waking up almost every night at 3:30 am. For no reason that was clear. I wasn't thirsty, in need of the restroom, or too hot or too cold- I just would wake up, be awake for about 5 minutes, and then back to sleep. After about 3 weeks of this, I mentioned it to a friend who asked "what are you supposed to be praying for?" as if it was the most obvious thing in world. I am ashamed to say that I had not even thought of that!!

I began to follow this advice. During these special times, I developed a deeper heart for the Muslim community. I pray regularly for those in authority, for the warriors on both sides, and especially for the people of Afghanistan who are caught in the middle of a very difficult situation.

Recently, I was in a seminar about Islam. What an interesting eye-opening seminar. The most interesting thing that I learned though, was that the Muslim's day begins with prayer...... at 3:30am!!!

Suddenly I knew, I understood why God had started to wake me up at that time, and why this time of prayer evolved into prayer for Muslims! How great is our God!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laura, that's amazing. Wow.. powerful.
